Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Developments

Tonight's dance class was wonderful!! I had 4 new students in the beginner class. I am looking forward to Wednesdays class!

I also went by Senor Frogs. I met a guy at a Starbuck's before class. He mentioned that he has wanted to go by Senor Frogs on Sunday because they apparently have dance nights on Sundays. Then, after class, two of the new students were talking with me and one mentioned Senor Frogs. I figured two random people in one night talking about this place was enough for me to head over and talk to the manager.

Well, I am really excited about our conversation. It seemes that this morning he and his PR person were discussing the fact that they needed a dance instructor! So I will be talking with him at length about supporting their efforts. We'll have to see how it geos.

Tomorrow I will meet with Gerry from 2001 to discuss this March's Latin Dance Conference. I have already gotten emails from people who attended the first one! Man, I am sooooo excited!

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